the pedestrian
...wandering around, finding favorite things...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
music nice; good for the senses
music snobs, hail! attention here.

I mostly like discovering my own music--via or pandora, or even (shriek) from friends in the realworld. So, the tautological name of Indie Music Filter initially put me off, even as their clean-cut look and talky posts drew me in.

In the end, what got me was the down-loadable digital mixed-tape (!), with its nerdart appeal. And once I got Vol.2 rolling it was sweet as watermelon on a hot summer day (as the old folks of my imagination like to say).

The hottest session: Indie Music Filter: Vol. 2.
The hottest band, video and couple: Matt & Kim. Here's there a taste of the smash-hit music video:
Blogger solomish said...
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Blogger solomish said...
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Matt and Kim.