the pedestrian
...wandering around, finding favorite things...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
1-0-0 ideas
It is improper blogger etiquette to quote another site's post whole cloth. So in a DIY cut-and-paste fashion I think illustrator Keri Smith would approve of, here are 'found bits' from her '100 ideas'.
1. Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk. 2. Write a letter to yourself in the future. -- 4. Draw your dinner. -- 6. Glue an envelope into your journal. For one week collect items you find on the street. -- 8. Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about them. -- 12. Make a map of everywhere you went in one day. -- 15. Record an overheard conversation. -- 26. Illustrate your grocery list. -- 33. List 100 uses for a tin can. -- 36. Choose an object, draw the side you can't see. 37. List all of the places you've ever lived. 38. Describe your favourite room in detail. -- 42. Create a character based on someone you know. Write a list of personality traits. 45. Draw the same object every day for a week. -- 49. Research a celebration or ritual from another culture. -- 51. Draw a map of your favorite sitting spots in your town/city. (photocopy it and give it to someone you like.) 52. Record all of the sounds you hear in the course of one hours. -- 59. List ten things you would like to do every day. -- 66. Write a journal entry describing something "secret". Cut it up into several pieces and glue them back in scrambled. 67. Record descriptions or definitions of subjects or words you are interested in, found in encyclopedias or dictionaries. -- 75. Create a graph documenting or measuring something in your life. -- 77. Create instructions for a simple everyday task. -- 84. Write a list of all the things you do to escape. -- 93. Write your own definition of one of the following concepts, sitting, waiting, sleeping (without using the actual word.) 94. List 10 of your habits.